Open Days
Open Days are normally held on the second Sunday of the month, from October to May inclusive, and on the last Saturday of the month all year round, unless changed to avoid Christmas/Easter. Some years we hold an extra one just before Christmas. They are held in the Club Room-The Old Brewery, Lodge St, off Croft St, Preston PR1 8ST-located in the centre of Preston within easy walking distance of the railway station and our own off-street parking. We ask for a donation of £3 per head from non-member visitors. Tea, coffee and canned drinks are served throughout the day, along with biscuits and crisps: cooked food is served at lunchtime. (The kitchen volunteers ask that you reserve your pie(s) on arrival as it helps with the catering.) There is a toilet with hot water. Saturday opening times are roughly 10.00-16.00, Sundays roughly 10.00-16.00. The car park gates will remain open during our Open Days so entry to the club is simple.
And on a slightly more sombre note, we now have a defibrillator installed in the clubrooms...
The club has an end-to-end layout called 'Little Tangle on the Wyre' which is built for DCC operation, it is strictly DCC only. Although primarily built for diesels, suitably equipped steam outline models are welcome to use it. At the moment, it is not (yet) fully scenicked but is a 'work in progress.' It is available for Saturday Open Days (unless it has a major problem.) The new MPD 'Marsh Lane' is now complete, with track and buildings in place, is working and even has a working turntable. Visitors are welcome to display their locos on it whilst awaiting a turn on the main layout, Hawksbridge, or on Brewery Lane-Hawksbridge Marine, our end-to-end branchline. If you want to have a run on the layout, just ask one of the members and they will do their best to accommodate you.
Dates for 2025:-
Saturday March 22nd (American Open Day)
Saturday March 29th
Sunday April 13th (Last Sunday Open Day until October)
Saturday April 26th
Saturday May 31st
Saturday June 28th
Saturday July 26th
Saturday August 30th
Saturday September 20th (American Open Day)
Saturday September 27th
Sunday October 11th
Saturday October 25th
Sunday November 9th
Saturday November 29th
Sunday December 14th
Saturday December 27th